eT4® META > eT4® META - TopTerms |
Parameter | Type | Description |
experience (-> eT4.META-search:experience) | String | The experience specifies the name of the project data pool to be used. (obligatory) |
q (-> eT4.META-search:q) | String | Search queries can be defined with the parameter Q, so that the amount of data returned is constrained. For more details see chapter Query Language - Introduction and Query Language - Prefixes. |
terms | String | | - getrennte Liste von Suchbegriffen die verglichen werden sollen. (es wird jeweils nach "Q" und "Terms" gesucht) |
termlist | String | Alternative to terms: use a server-side predefined list of terms. |
limit (-> eT4.META-search:limit) | Integer | The number of returned records is limited to the specified value. |
mode | String | How to score and sort the terms. Possible values: advanced, count. |
type (-> eT4.META:search:type) | String | Used to specify the main content type/topic to search. Hotel, Event, Gastro, Tour, POI, City, Area, Package, Article or Web. |
mkt (-> eT4.META:search:mkt) | String | This parameter determines the language in which the content is to be returned. |
callback | String | JSONP-callback for cross-domain-calls. |
boostquery | String | A searchquery (like q-parameter), that has influence on lucene score. |
boostfactor | Double | Coefficient for boostquery. Default: 0.1. |
response |
Copy Code |
{ "status":"ok", "count":15, "data":[ {"term":"museum","count":4,"score":38.1363144}, {"term":"kirche","count":5,"score":36.9147034}, {"term":"kultur","count":1,"score":13.3607607} ] }] |